World Usability Day

World Usability Day is held annually on the second Thursday of November. Details on past events can be found on the World Usability Day official website.

Established in 2005 by the Usability Professionals Association, (now the User Experience Professionals Association), World Usability Day (WUD) or Make Things Easier Day occurs annually to promote the values of usability, usability engineering, user-centered design, universal usability, and every user’s responsibility to ask for things that work better. The day adopts a different theme each year. Organisations, groups, or individuals are encouraged to hold events to mark the day, optionally according to that year’s theme.

World Usability Day started as an idea springing from a discussion in the fall of 2004 between two UPA board member, Elizabeth Rosenzweig and Nigel Bevan. They worked together with the UPA board to start World Usability Day and over the years, Elizabeth Rosenzweig kept it running.


Useful Telegram Features You Should Be Using If You Aren't Already

Telegram provides unlimited server storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. Telegram Private Groups cannot be found with an in-app search. The group is private, after all that you can use the 2,00,000 member limit fully. Telegram Channels are a tool for broadcasting public (or) private messages to large audiences, similarly as you do on Twitter or Facebook Page. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Telegram Private Channels cannot be found with an in-app search. Group video calls on Telegram allow 30 users to broadcast from their camera as well as their screens. This can now be watched by 1,000 people at once (updated by 1st August 2021). Users can hold anything event online, from lectures to concerts and everything in between, similarly as Zoom or Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

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World Usability Day Charter

Human error is a misnomer. Technology today is too hard to use. A cell phone should be as easy-to-use as a doorknob. In order to humanise a world that uses technology as an infrastructure for education, healthcare, government, communication, entertainment, work, and other areas, we must agree to develop technologies in a way that serves people first.

Technology should enhance our lives, not add to our stress or cause danger through poor design or poor quality. It is our duty to ensure that this technology is effective, efficient, satisfying and reliable, and that it is usable by all people. This is particularly important for people with disabilities, because technology can enhance their lives, letting them fully participate in work, social and civic experiences. Technology should be developed knowing that human beings have certain limitations. Human error will occur if technology is not both easy-to-use and easy-to-understand. We need to reduce human error that results from bad design. We believe a united, coordinated effort is needed to develop reliable, easy-to- use technology to serve people in all aspects of their lives, including education, health, government, privacy, communications, work and entertainment. We must put people at the center of design, beginning with their needs and wants, and resulting in technology that benefits all of us. Therefore, we, the undersigned, agree to work together to design technology that helps human beings truly realise their potential, so that we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.


Telegram Parts

A. Simple: Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.
B. Private: Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct.
C. Synced: Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices.
D. Fast: Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application such WhatsApp, Signal etc.
E. Powerful: Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.
F. Open: Telegram has an open API and source code free for everyone.
G. Secure: Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.
H. Expressive: Telegram lets you completely customise your messenger.

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We agree to observe World Usability Day each year, to provide a single worldwide day of events around the world that brings together communities of professional, industrial, educational, citizen and governmental groups for our common objective: to ensure that technology helps people live to their full potential and helps create a better world for all citizens everywhere.

Article 1 (Education)
Wired and wireless schools are appearing everywhere. Students around the world benefit from low-cost, easy-to-use, reliable computing, Internet access, and telecommunication. Educational technology must be not only affordable and available, but must be usable by teachers, students and parents.
Article 2 (Health)
Healthcare must be available to everyone around the world. Medical technology can improve health, but it must be easy-to-use: error in this arena is costly. Because we are what we eat, we need healthier food supplies that will improve the well being of people everywhere. Technology that produces better food for all must be built on research that keeps the whole person in mind.
Article 3 (Government)
Governments around the globe seek to use new technology to better serve their citizens and increase participation in the civic experience. Citizens can pay taxes and take care of business online in many countries in the world; this same capability should be available to all, eliminating the digital divide that separates rich from poor or isolates social groups. Voting systems must ensure trust and confidence in elections. Technology that supports civic engagement must give all citizens equal access and opportunity, and must be easy to use and easy to understand by all citizens, including those with disabilities of any kind.
Article 4 (Communication)
People need to connect with each other. We have more means than ever to communicate: phones, Internet, messaging and the printed medium. Technology that facilitates communication between people must be intuitive to use. It should have instructions that are easy to understand, and knobs, dials and buttons that do not require constant tuning.
Article 5 (Privacy and Security)
As the use of technology grows, so do concerns about new forms of e-commerce, e-government and e-communication. We must build in appropriate safeguards to ensure that our interaction is secure, that children and others are protected, and that our systems are trustworthy.
Article 6 (Entertainment)
Entertainment is not just for our spare time. People use entertainment for many reasons throughout their daily lives. The world of entertainment has embraced technology to give us photos, movies, music and games in new ways and on new devices. But, even amusement benefits from usability! Incomprehensible remote controls, confusing instructions and blinking VCR clocks speak to the need for improvement in our media. Usable entertainment systems will make the experience less tiring and frustrating.


Day: 11 November 2021
Theme: Trust, Ethics and Integrity

Day: 12 November 2020
Theme: Human–Centered AI

Day: 14 November 2019
Theme: Design for the Future We Want

Day: 8 November 2018
Theme: Design for Good or Evil

Day: 9 November 2017
Theme: Inclusion

Day: 10 November 2016
Theme: Sustainability

Day: 12 November 2015
Theme: Innovation
At the 10th anniversary of the world usability day, 135 events were planned in 40 countries.

Day: 13 November 2014
Theme: Engagement
User Experience is all about engagement. Technology, products and services are usable when they engage people. At work we strive to engage with those around us—whether they’re users, colleagues, or stakeholders. It means getting people on board with an idea, earning trust, and working toward mutual goals. We all know how challenging that can be. This is the year to think out of the box. How can you engage people to use technology products and services? What kind of design thinking needs to be incorporated, to keep people engaged? How can you engage those outside our field, to understand the importance of a good user experience? Can we engage people to help changes those things that are not working well?

Day: 14 November 2013
Theme: Healthcare: Collaborating for Better Systems
The importance of user-centered design in healthcare is truly life or death. Whether it’s new medical devices or technologies; drug research, approval or delivery; patient forms or medical record sharing; emergency disaster planning or increasing the functionality of hospitals and everyday healthcare delivery, everyone is affected in some way by the intersection of usability in healthcare. There are many commonalities, yet each region of the world faces its own set of unique challenges. We believe that focusing World Usability Day 2013 on healthcare will create a stronger awareness of these issues and lead to initiative that have long term impact on the quality of everyone’s life.

Theme: Usability of Financial Systems
World Usability Day 2012 served as an impetus for creating greater awareness for designs, products and services that improve and facilitate financial systems around the world.

Theme: Education: Designing for Social Change
World Usability Day 2011 focused on how Design Education will help develop products and services that will impact social change. Programs examined all products and services used for trach[check spelling] how usable design impact the world, whether it’s close at hand (organisation), surrounding us (particular cultures/communicates) or from a global view: How does something designed in China, Scotland, India, or the United States, for example, have impact on other nations around the world?

Theme: Designs, products and services that improve and facilitate communication
150 events in more than 40 countries
Social media enables billions of people to participate in online social activities, either as a reader, contributor, collaborator, or leader. This raises several issues in designing for social media. First, what motivates technology-mediated social participation? Second, how to search for information in social media. Third, how to measure the usability of social media. World Usability Day 2010 explored these issues, including understanding the context of use theory that can help researchers, designers, and managers to design and write better for social networks.

Theme: Designing for a Sustainable World
Designing for a Sustainable World shows how usability can apply to all of what we do and build. We look at all products and services – buildings, roads, or consumer products; business services or healthcare systems – throughout their life cycle. The impact focuses on our environment – energy, water, soil, and more. Are they user and environmentally friendly? These are questions we all must consider as we design, purchase, use, and dispose of products each and every day.

Theme: Transportation
Events in 43 countries
Approximately 50,000 participants
Transportation means moving products and people in its broadest sense. Usability in transportation speaks to the interaction of people and the vehicles, the challenges and issues infrastructure and modes for moving around in our environment. We spend time repeatedly, everyday getting our things and ourselves from point A to point B. It varies by day, by location, by time and by need and requires us to utilise many forms of transport. This year focused on exploring and creating awareness for how we interact with our transportation systems and opportunities for improving the usability of them.

Day: 8 November 2007
Theme: Healthcare
Events in 41 countries
10,000 volunteers
Approximately 40,000 participants
Good usability in healthcare can mean the difference between life and death. Whether it’s new medical devices or technologies; drug research, approval, or delivery; patient forms or medical record sharing; emergency disaster planning; increasing the functionality of hospitals; or everyday healthcare delivery, everyone is affected by usability in healthcare.

Day: 14 November 2006
Theme: Accessibility and “Making life easy”
Events in 39 countries
More than 40,000 participants
The largest percentage of participants were professionals involved in usability, design, engineering, technology, research, product development, government, and marketing. However, there was strong outreach to general consumers and youth as well. The range of events addressed issues in healthcare, education, communications, government, and more. From the U.S. Census Bureau to voting machine technology, to accessibility regulations, and implementation worldwide, the concept of “Making life easy” was fully integrated into presentations.

Additionally, World Usability Day New England 2006 focused on universal usability to enhance learning, effectiveness, and understanding for people of all abilities.

36 hours of content in 115 events around the world
Events in 35 countries
Approximately 8,000 people attended events worldwide
World Usability Day was started in November 2005 so we could change the world. Each of us can make a difference, whether we are developers or consumers, our actions shape our world. A humanistic approach to technology development can help to steer us in a positive direction. User centered design and development puts people first. When products and services are developed to enhance our lives, help us do our work more efficiently, and add enjoyment, everyone can benefit.

Year Observances

November Observances

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Why Telegram

Telegram Features that WhatsApp is Missing

Better Way: Delete your WhatsApp and Change to Telegram

Delete WhatsApp, better Switch to Telegram

WhatsApp : Illegal Effect : Hacking is growing at High Risk in future

(1) WhatsApp does not store messages on its servers, so if cybercriminals were to hack into the platform, they would not be able to decrypt any of the messages.

Telegram is a cloud service. We store messages, photos, videos and documents from your cloud chats on our servers so that you can access your data from any of your devices anytime without having to rely on third-party backups. This way local engineers or physical intruders cannot get access to user data.

(2) (a) Additionally, WhatsApp does not have the key to see encrypted messages. By default, WhatsApp stores messages in a way that allows them to be backed up to the cloud by iOS or Android. WhatsApp store in phone storage device occupies more space.

(2) (b) WhatsApp files (photos, audios, videos, documents) and texts occupying too much phone storage device. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

Telegram provides unlimited cloud storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore.

(3) WhatsApp: Uncrackable problem of end-to-end encryption: Lack of Security

Telegram Secret Chats are one-on-one chats wherein messages are encrypted with a key held only by the chat’s participants. Note that the schema for these end-to-end encrypted Secret Chats is different from what is used for cloud chats.

(4) WhatsApp Draining Your Phone’s Battery Too? This Could Be The Reason. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(5) WhatsApp warning: How a single phone call hacked phones worldwide. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(6) WhatsApp virus is a term used for a variety of malware and scams directed towards this popular communications app. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(7) New Warning for WhatsApp Users Over Account Suspension ‘Hack’. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

Telegram Privacy Policy: Read more:

(8) This dangerous WhatsApp scam can access your personal and financial details. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(9) Your WhatsApp, Facebook data isn’t safe! Malicious apps that steal data found on Play Store. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(10) Dangerous new spyware can steal your WhatsApp messages and take photos using your smartphone camera without your permission and admit it’s been around for FIVE YEARS already. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(11) One of the most-advanced Android malware discovered; can even ‘steal’ your WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(12) One billion users of the messaging service are now promised full encryption. Which can only mean the spooks will retaliate elsewhere. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(13) Wormable Android malware is spreading through WhatsApp messages. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(14) Malicious WhatsApp mod infects Android devices with malware. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(15) WhatsApp joinable calls feature can increase risk of eavesdropping through cyberattack: Kaspersky. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(16) WhatsApp hijack scam continues to spread. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.

(17) 8 Ways Your WhatsApp Messages Can Be Hacked. Read more…Click here to open link. to view webpage with the browser.



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#WorldUsabilityDay #usabilityday #usability #makethingseasierday #makethingseasier #thingseasier #event #November #WorldDay #InternationalDay #NationalDay #CelebrationDay #HappyDay #Observances #Programme #information #TelegramTips #TelegramChannel #LinkedinNewsletter #Celebration #Nov . #National #world #international #CelebrationDays #celebrations #happy #Events .

Telegram Messenger Web  ( ) always easy and faster than all emails (Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Microsoft Office 365, Yahoo mail, AOL, etc) and also Instant Messenger. Available on the Telegram Desktop for Microsoft Windows / Apple Mac / Linux. Telegram Messenger is better than WhatsApp, Signal, WhatsApp Business, Microsoft Kaizala, WeChat, Hike, Line, Viber, Hangouts, BBM & Facebook Messenger for saving battery and phone storage with your Smartphone. Telegram for iPhone / iPad available on the App Store for iOS devices.

Telegram Benefits
Telegram is one of the World Famous Social Networking Site & App and Social Media Chat Messaging, one of the Strongest competitor and Whole Feature powerful.
Social Networks List Compares with Telegram
Telegram is better than WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, BlackBerry Messenger, Hike Messenger, Facebook Messenger
Telegram vs Kaizala vs WhatsApp vs Signal 2 out of 3
Telegram is better than WhatsApp, Signal, WhatsApp Business and Microsoft Kaizala

Telegram vs Kaizala vs WhatsApp vs Signal 3 out of 3

Telegram provides unlimited cloud storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. Telegram Private Groups cannot be found with an in-app search. The group is private, after all that you can use the 2,00,000 member limit fully. Telegram Channels are a tool for broadcasting public (or) private messages to large audiences, similarly as you do on Twitter or Facebook Page. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Telegram Private Channels cannot be found with an in-app search. Group video calls on Telegram allow 30 users to broadcast from their camera as well as their screens. This can now be watched by 1,000 people at once (updated by 1st August 2021). Users can hold anything event online, from lectures to concerts and everything in between, similarly as Zoom or Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.
A. Simple: Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.
B. Private: Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct.
C. Synced: Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices.
D. Fast: Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application such WhatsApp, Signal etc.
E. Powerful: Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.
F. Open: Telegram has an open API and source code free for everyone.
G. Secure: Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.
H. Expressive: Telegram lets you completely customise your messenger.

Telegram - Interest in Money Transfer Features

Telegram: Interest in Money Transfer Features % active users on BBM, WeChat, Kakao, LINE, Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, Kik, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger.

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